This is 40.

This is 40.

One of my favorite past-times is creating little photo essays of experiences and times in my life. In the fast-paced, digital world where we see images at a rate of about a million a minute, it is so very nice to slow down and know that I am trying to capture some photos that can bring me back to a time and location. Sometimes I shoot these series on film, sometimes on digital–but I always try and give them a nostalgic look, one way or the other.

For example, for my 40th birthday weekend we ventured into the mountains of Puerto Rico, just to relax, enjoy some cooler air and quality time with our family. Being a wedding photographer by trade really lends itself to taking the type of photos that just feel like memories. I also loooove to print these types of images out, and have little stacks of them to sift through all over my house, and mounted in frames just about everywhere.